The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Fluminense University has 2 strictosensu programs: Sciences Applied to Health Products (PPG CAPS) (master's and doctorate) and Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance (PPG-GAFAR). The discussion about the use of MOOC courses was incipient in both. The project allowed the insertion of the theme in both courses. It can contribute to making them more accessible incredibly for students who already work in the pharmaceutical market or the health system. In addition, the diversity of topics covered by the Cophela project can also bring benefits to the training of both students of the Sciences Applied to Health Products and the Administration and management of pharmaceutical assistance courses, since it will allow the incorporation of current and interesting topics. The course Health Care and Pharmacoeconomy, developed by Cophela, will integrate the master’s in Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance. 


In addition, the participation of professors from the 2 strictosensu programs in the project contributed to the internationalization of the courses and the Faculty of Pharmacy, thus meeting the objectives listed in the UFF Institutional Development Plan. It is worth mentioning that in the last evaluation of the Coordination of (CAPES), the Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance (PPG-GAFAR) program had its high concept, which will allow the submission of a proposal for the creation of a doctorate. Participation in the project is believed to have positively influenced this assessment.


The equipment acquired by the project allowed the autonomy of the Faculty of Pharmacy in the production of videos. This autonomy should also make it possible to encourage the use of new methodologies in both undergraduate and graduate courses. A doctoral thesis is already underway that will use the equipment to produce a course, also in MOOC format, for elementary school teachers so they can enter the discussion of the rational use of medicines in Brazilian schools.


Internationalization is one of the items included in the UFF Institutional Development Program, a document that lists the institution's priority actions. The Cophela project contributed to the internationalization of the Faculty of Pharmacy and your 2 strictosensu programs, favoring the achievement of this objective and the strengthening of the courses currently taking place at the faculty. Another important aspect was to improve knowledge about administrative procedures and internal flows for participation in international projects, which should contribute to the implementation of other initiatives. The dissemination of experience can also contribute to the discussion of the use of MOOCs in postgraduate courses at other Brazilian institutions