This project (COPHELA) offered the opportunity to obtain more institutional experience for establishing academic agreements and administrative mechanisms between different institutions at the international level, as well as to identify opportunities for improving internal management processes for obtaining and using economic resources, particularly when they come from foreign organizations through agreements.The UAMX has strengthened its pre- and post-COVID19 strategy of training academic and technical personnel in applying new didactic resources through information and communication technologies to expand its national and regional and international educational offer. With the 16 courses (MOOC) generated by the ten partner institutions of the COPHELA project, UAMX expands its existing academic offer introducing:a)Sixteen additional specialized continuing and online education courses for professionals; for which exists the automated institutional mechanism through the Moodle platform for the delivery of a certificate to the participant who passes the evaluation established at the end of each module and the entire course (MOOC).b)Two diploma programs that the academic staff is developing and will present to the corresponding academic council for approval and start of activities in mid-2023. c) An international inter-institutional postgraduate proposal will be of a hybrid modality with student mobility and the co-participation of European and Latin American universities.This postgraduate program will cover a specialization level (1 year) as well as a master's degree (2 years, which includes online courses like those of the COPHELA project, tutorial programs, and student mobility for a year in two partner institutions to carry out a research project. Nowadays, the academic staff with the authorities and administrative and legislative institutional advisors analyze the proposal's feasibility.

The achievements of the Cophela project contributed to adding results to several of the strategic objectives proposed by the UAM in its institutional development plan for 2024. Among them are the following:Have a diversified, updated, and pertinent offer of undergraduate, postgraduate, and refresher courses recognized for their quality. Expand enrollment at all educational levels. Have a diversified, updated, and relevant continuing education offer.Consolidate a linkage and extension system that promotes the productivity of the social, public, and private sectors.Promote the internationalization of the University.Assimilate, incorporate, and efficiently take advantage of the development of information and communication technologies.With the development of the MOOCs of this inter-institutional and international project, the UAMX contributes to: Offering more significant opportunities for access to postgraduate education to professionals, in this case, pharmacists; due to time and economic constraints, they cannot strengthen or update knowledge and skills through face-to-face courses. Increase teaching skills and capacities in the use of technological tools among local, national, and international university professors for their application or adaptation in hybrid or blended models in current educational programs and the development of new educational strategies and programs aimed at expanding educational coverage to remote populations of the country and attract students from other Latin American countries with less offer of postgraduate programs. Promote the analysis of each institution's academic, administrative, and legal processes that favours or hinder the development and implementation of online educational programs for continuing education and undergraduate and graduate programs.