FIP Seal for the Pharmacogenomics Program
The Pharmacogenetics training program of the COPHELA project at the University of Granada receives the seal of the International Pharmaceutical Federation ( for its quality.
Sesión Informativa Proyecto Cophela UGR
Sesión informativa impartida por el Dr. Sánchez Pozo sobre el proyecto COPHELA y la colaboración solicitada de farmacéuticos malagueños de distintos ámbitos asistenciales, para aportar sugerencias al curso de Farmacogenómica desarrollado por profesorado universitario de distintos países y dirigido a farmacéuticos, con el fin de aportar valor y conocimiento y aportar herramientas para desarrollar un servicio de Farmacogenómica para los pacientes.
La Universidad de Valparaíso prepara la próxima reunión COPHELA
La doctora Weinstein adelantó que la UV será hospedadora del primer encuentro presencial del programa después de la pandemia. “En este encuentro se afinarán los detalles para el lanzamiento de los cursos virtuales. Se recibirá, aproximadamente, a unas cuarenta personas, representantes de las instituciones participantes que deberán presentar los cursos propuestos”
Preliminary Agenda September 12-16 2022
Monday 12th
9:00-10:30 Inauguration with university and local authorities (streaming)
11:30-13:30 Course presentations
15:30-17:30 Course presentations
Tuesday 13th
9:00-11:00 Course presentations
11:30-13:30 Course presentations
15:30-17:30 Course presentations
Wednesday 14 th
9:00-11:Workshop Technical...
La Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile) publica su experiencia de desarrollo curricular COPHELA
El proyecto COPHELA es una iniciativa en que participan universidades de España, Portugal, Italia, México, Brasil y Chile. La Escuela de Química y Farmacia, aporta con el diseño del curso online: “Medicamentos Biológicos y Terapias Avanzadas”, basado en competencias y resultados de aprendizaje. La experiencia a compartir es la metodología usada para establecer las competencias a abordar en el curso que consta de 6 módulos y definir los resultados de aprendizaje asociados, a través de un proceso iterativo de revisiones que permitió desarrollar una matriz de competencias y resultados de aprendizaje para cada uno de los módulos del curso. La experiencia al construir un curso novedoso basado en competencias se podrá extrapolar a nuevos cursos en nuestra carrera de pregrado.
Cluster Meeting of CBHE Projects in Latin America & Caribbean on 28-29 October 2021.
The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), supported by DGs Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EAC) and International Partnerships (INTPA) of the European Commission, is organising an on-line Cluster Meeting of CBHE Projects in Latin America & Caribbean on 28-29 October 2021. This event counts with the collaboration of the E+ CBHE Latin-American coordinators network and the technical support of the Asociación Colombiana de Universidades (ASCUN). The aim of the event is to gather the 92 CBHE projects carried out in the region since 2015 in order to create synergies, provide visibility, show the...
CBHE Virtual Fair jointly organized online by the Erasmus+ National Offices and the European European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on October 26-27, 2021.
Cophela participates in the CBHE Virtual Fair jointly organized online by the Erasmus+ National Offices and the European European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on October 26-27, 2021.
The CBHE Virtual Fair will showcase the results of 100 CBHE projects funded between 2015 and 2018. Cophela results presentation:
Have a look at the PROGRAMME of the event.
You can find HERE THE PRE-REGISTRATION FORM to join the Virtual Fair.
Please note that the CBHE Virtual Fair is going to be streamed also through...
Recognition of professional qualifications
COPHELA project has been included in the last policiy briefing report by yhe European Unversity Association with regards to implementation of pharmacists professional qualifications.
UNESCO-ERASMUS+ Mexico City 2021
Cophela Project has been presented in the UNESCO-ERASMUS+ Workshop celebrated in México City 17-06-21
The survey addresses the questions “What exists” and “What is needed” in terms of pharmacy specialization in Latin America and the Europe.
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Equipo docente multidisciplinar. Facultad de Farmacia de Granada
During one week, 32 teachers of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Granada were working on the production of MOOC capsules, based in the COPHELA methodology.