New members for INNOPHAR project
We welcome the new members of the INNOPHAR EMJMD project
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina);
Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid, Spain);
Universidade do Porto (Portugal);
Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
As a continuation of the COPHELA Project, the consortium is preparing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree. An application for the Erasmus Mundus Design measures has been presented to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Courses Recognition
Bilateral agreements are in course for the recognition of the COPHELA courses between participant institutions.
Globally, the role of pharmacists is changing to a more patient centered, and biotechnological oriented role not covered by most of the current study programs. There is a need for specialization and, especially in Latin America (LA) according to the reports of many professional and academic associations, particular the Conferencia Panamericana de Educación Farmacéutica. COPHELA has developed and pilot implemented a COPHELA M.Sc. program in pharmacy that by increasing specialization and...
Jeffrey Atkinson
Professor Jeffrey Atkinson (University of Lorraine) passed away on Monday afternoon at the hospital in Nancy. Jeff has participated activelly in the project from the beginning as an advisor and external evaluator.
Our deepest symphathy to the family and friends.
Main achievements
The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Fluminense University has 2 strictosensu programs: Sciences Applied to Health Products (PPG CAPS) (master's and doctorate) and Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance (PPG-GAFAR). The discussion about the use of MOOC courses was incipient in both. The project allowed the insertion of the theme in both courses. It can contribute to making them more accessible incredibly for students who already work in the pharmaceutical market or the health system. In addition, the diversity of topics covered by the Cophela project can also bring benefits to the training of both students of the Sciences...
Main achievements
Internationalization activities constitute one of the standards evaluated by the National Accreditation Commission for higher education in Chile. Among the criteria corresponding to Dimension 4: Relation with the surroundings. Criterion 15. Institutional internationalization and networks proposed by the National Accreditation Agency is mentioned that “Each institution must have national and international integration policies that guide...
Main achievements
This project was instrumental to achieve the internationalization goal, as UV was able to achieve a working relationship with nine universities or educational institutions from Europe and America. After this project, our faculties have been invited to perform as tutor or reviewers of graduate thesis at the participant institutions.The UV model also declares learning as a continuum over lifetime, and thus, the COPHELA courses offer our University the opportunity to fulfil...
Main achievements
This project (COPHELA) offered the opportunity to obtain more institutional experience for establishing academic agreements and administrative mechanisms between different institutions at the international level, as well as to identify opportunities for improving internal management processes for obtaining and using economic resources, particularly when they come from foreign organizations through agreements.The UAMX has strengthened its pre- and post-COVID19 strategy of training academic and technical personnel in applying new didactic resources through information and communication...
Main achievements
Main results were the insertion of UAEMEX in an international education project, with a global scope and a Latin-American focus: Working along with other partners is an opportunity to learn other ways of teaching, pharmaceutical patient-caring in our countries and production capabilities. We learned the way to dive into internationalization of educational programs in UAEMEX. We also learned other institutions technical capabilities and digital learning practices.The pilot scale implementation of the courses prepared here at UAEMex: Feedback was followed through, and it allowed us to understand better the needs for pharmaceutical capabilities...